Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday Mac! (Yep! It's super late. Sorry buddy!)

Happy birthday Macadoodle! You turned 5 this year and you were SO excited. Well, you get super excited about most things but you were even more excited about turning 5 because you know that kids go to school when they turn 5. Unfortunately, your dad and I decided we wanted you home just a little longer and we chose to send you to preschool for another year. You will return to the preschool you went to last year. Your teacher for your 4 year-old class is Ms. Lana. She loves you and you love her. You also have a sweet friend named Gavin. You ask just about every school day if he can come stay the night. I have tried to explain that most 4 year-olds would like to have their mommy with them at night. You remedied that by offering for his mom to sleep over too! You are always thinking! You are also always playing catch up. You do not want your brothers to get too far ahead of you. That is why you insisted on learning to ride your bike without training wheels. Isaac took his off and you were rather miffed that you still had yours on. Against much protest from me, you wanted the wheels off so they came off. About a day later, you were tooling down the street just like your older brother. You also helped light a fire under Sam. He could ride a bike at that point but not really well. He was not gonna have his 4 year-old brother ride a bike better than him. So thanks to you, the Chism family are now ALL proficient bicycle riders. You also needed to learn to snap. I guess you must have seen one of the boys do it so that was another mission of yours during year 4. As expected, you figured it out! This year you played soccer and t-ball. Of course, you are competitive and love the games and you are one of the best on the team. You know exactly what you are doing and love it when your brothers watch. You love your brothers a lot too. Sometimes you and Isaac fight but I guess that should be expected. For the most part though, you are all very good friends. I love to watch you play in the backyard together. I love to hear y'all giggle at night. Mac, you are really fun! You are truly enthusiastic about nearly everything and I love it. My favorite is when I mention something we are gonna do or somewhere we are going to go and your response, "Ooooo!" Your joy is infectious. You sing and don't care who is listening. You can't help but dance to the music. You wake up ready to experience the day. It is really a treat to be your mom. You are kind and a helper. You are funny and silly. You are smart and determined. And you know the way to my heart. When I am tired or down, you offer to be my snugglebuggle and that makes my heart full. Thank you for showing me genuine joy, love, and spirit Macadoodle. I love you and I am so proud to be your mom. Happy birthday MacArthur!

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