Ok, so morning is the toughest time of day for our family. We have such little time to accomplish so much! Being the fantastic parent that I am, when I can only deal with one child at a time, I do what every great parent does and turn on cartoons. One of Sam's favorites right now is Handy Manny on the Disney Channel. Manny is the sweetest little Mr. Fixit with about 7 tools that assist him in his work of saving his neighbors from catastrophes such as no light bulbs at the new movie theatre, a sock eating dryer, or poor little Alex stuck at the top of the playground! Anyway, all of this sweet and simple fun has gotten my kids all into tools and fixing stuff. So, Sam loves the tape measure. We have allowed him to play with it but given him several warnings about the sharp sides of the tape. You are told many times as a child not to play with scissors or knives but no one ever addresses the tape measure. That being said, we felt like a warning was good enough. Well, not so much;(.
Yesterday as I was just starting my blog, Sam came in whimpering. I looked over to see his hand full of blood. I ran him to the bathroom and did exactly what I wasn't supposed to do and put his hand under the water. This caused the loose skin to move and my son to scream at the top of his lungs!!!! Bad Mommy! I regrouped and realized that a wet cloth along with pressure was probably more appropriate. Next, I proceeded to drag him through the house to try and figure out a course of action. I searched and searched for something that my son would allow me to do to make it better so that he would stop crying. After 15 minutes of looking, I found that each time we passed the living room where the cartoons were on, he stopped crying. So, there you go. All we needed for his dangling thumb was a wet washcloth and more Handy Manny!
As I set there holding his hand in place so that it would maybe miraculously crow together before a commercial break, I started thanking God that this minor injury took place with the tape measure because this would break Sam's obsession without any major trauma. However, I was too grateful too soon. About 10 minutes later, Sam looked at me with stale tears in his eyes and wanted to know where the tape measure was. I told him that I had put him to bed for being bad and hurting my Sam. That worked for about 5 minutes. Then Sam asked for it again at which time I gave the same reply. But, this time he assured me that the tape measure was sorry. That it was finished crying and should get to leave his room:) I am sad to say that he forgave that tape measure for practically removing his thumb from his hand more quickly than he forgives his brother for getting dressed faster than him. Oh, pray for us!
PS - The picture of Sam is him displaying his injury but his bandaid is flesh colored so it is hard to see. Sad, my son is the same shade as a bandaid!
1 comment:
Poor little guy. You need to wrap him up in bubble wrap as soon as he wakes up in the mornings to keep him from all the injuries.
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