Monday, August 18, 2008

What do we do now?

Well, Will is off on his first day of first grade! It was a big day for me. I was a bit nervous about him getting up, remembering all he learned last year, having someone to sit with at lunch, getting ink all over his hands from the full page note I sent in his lunchbox, you know all the usual, first day worries, right?

Well, if my son had known how to do it, I think he would have liked to have given me the finger just so that I would take my papparazzi picture taking butt home! No, he was very sweet and very patient. My worries were for nothing. Will was, well, Will. He was fine. He was happy to go. He was willing to smile on the porch in his first day outfit with his backpack, without his backpack, with his lunch, without, you get it. He let his dad, mom and two little brothers follow him in all the way to his classroom and even smiled for one more photo:)

So, what do we do now? Sam and I are again lost for a day or two until we figure out what to do without Will around. He is the activities director. He is the social commissioner. You see, this is one of many reasons why I don't home school. Will needs a break from us. He needs us to get a life!

So, here we go...

PS - I do know that I have a third child, Ike, but he was not mentioned because he loves Will but he kind of enjoys a little extra attention!


Anonymous said...

Zachariah would like Will to come visit him soon! He would need to fly on an airplane b/c it is a long way to Michigan (this is Zman talking) He also wants to know what is on his lunchbox.

His mommy would like all the Chism's to visit them in MIchigan someday! Miss ya'll!!!!

Mary Jo said...

so exciting to see those pics! Sawyer's big day is next Monday. You can tell Will that he will get his front tooth pulled on Thursday. (you know, the tooth that died the night he and Will were trying to sneak candy off my counter when they were barely 2)Well, Thursday is the big day! Miss you all and hoping you find some activities very soon! Hey... I know, come see us! MJ

Katie said...

His first day of 1st grade!!! Very exciting!!! And I'm not one bit surprised at Will being the activities director...he's so funny :)


Anonymous said...

Will is a good son and a great big brother. I can understand why you were lonely without him. It could be worse though-----remember that when Brent went to 1st grade, Kevin spent the day sticking mini pads all over ther playroom wall. Very creative, don't you think? (By the way, I didn't realize that he had done this very creative thing until the day way over).

Mama Fran