Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy Birthday 10th Sam!

I am super late in writing this. Unfortunately, I am late in most things these days so I guess I am not surprised. But Sam, you are very special none the less. So, here goes. This year has been a good one for you. You began 4th grade. Mrs. Bendickson is your teacher. You had no idea about her so you were not super excited or super sad about being placed in her class. You were, however, very happy to find your good friend Karl in your class. He is one of your best friends so this was a nice treat! And so far, Mrs. Bendickson has been a sweet treat as well. She likes you and says that your classmates like you too! You are a favorite amongst the kiddos. You are a good friend. Mrs. Bendickson chose you for the trustworthiness award during the month of November. The honor was no surprise to Dad and I. You are a very loyal and honest son and friend. In the Spring, you started playing soccer again. Dad coaches your team and although soccer isn't your favorite way to spend your free time, you are a good sport and try. Your team name is the Fighting Irish, of course. The Irish weren't the best on the field last season but with each game, there was improvement. Whether you won or lost though, you boys were great sports and had fun! You played again in the Fall, and your team continues to learn, improve, but mostly, have a good time! When you are at home, you like playing games on your iPad or the Wii U and XBox. You play air hockey and jump on the trampoline. You really are game for just about anything if it involves the neighbor kids. Just about every day, you go looking for someone to play with on the street. Tyler (Baby Klyer), Spencer, Seth, Luke, & Cole are all regular fixtures at our house. They come knocking and whether you feel like playing or not, you always say yes to their invitations. That is probably the best thing about you Sam. You have a huge HEART! You do not want anyone to feel bad or be upset with you. You are a pleaser. And although this is a wonderful quality, it also causes you a bit of stress. You play often when you don't feel like it for much longer than you feel like it. Your heart is broken when Dad or I get onto you about something. You do not like to disappoint anyone. I often have to remind you how important it is to make sure that you save some space for your own happiness. Don't be selfish but remember self-care. Some things you love to eat and drink these days: string cheese, macaroni and cheese, cheese pizza, Wendy's & Whataburger (not McDonalds), Dr. Pepper, grapes (okay, you don't love them but they are the only fruit you will really eat), quesadillas, and Frostey Freezie Freezes (basically a flavored slush but we gave it a fun name). You love to play Minecraft, fighting games, and Isaac Tag. You hate trying to ride a bike and do not understand why anyone would EVER want to ride a bike.:) You LOVE sleeping in our bed, not so much because we are there but because you think it is really comfortable. One of your goals in life is to inherit our bed!:) You like to go on road trips when it is dark out. You like having friends sleep over but do not really care to stay at other peoples' homes. You told one mom that you had a rough childhood which is why you aren't a big fan of sleepovers. That mom finds you hilarious! That is you Sam. You are funny and witty. You are kind and tenderhearted. You are a great friend and have no enemies. You are small in stature for your age but your personality and charm is big enough to fill a room. Sam, you are honest and good. You want to please Dad and I but more importantly, please God. You are a special kid. Your name means "God listens". Thankfully God not only listens but dreams so much bigger than me. I could not imagine someone as precious as you. I am so glad God did. Happy Birthday Sam! I love you big guy! PS - Dad had "the talk" with you a few months back. True to Sam form, you had some thoughts, questions, and concerns on the matter. Dad secretly took notes because frankly, life is so much better when it's seen through your eyes! Here were just some of your responses: 1. Mind. Blown. 2. What kind of a sick world do we live in? 3. If I have to do that, I don't want to grow up. 4. So that's why I have a penis. I just thought it was a floppy appendage. 5. So since mom had three missed pregnancies, does that mean you made sex 7 times???? 6. How does it fit? 7. What if you pee in there? 8. Can't really eat the rest of my fries now. 9. What's it called again? A virginia? 10. I just thought you kissed, and then special chemicals went to the woman's belly. And if she had good food in there, she got pregnant. 11. I figured babies must come out the other hole where other stuff comes out. 12. So if when I get married I decide to do this, can I call you before to make sure I do it right? 13. Why would God make people do that to have kids? 14. Now I know why Will wouldn't tell me. 15. Well, now we have something else to talk about when we go out.

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