Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy 13th Birthday Will!

Yes, I am late with this but if it was on time, it probably wouldn't have been from me;) So I will just say, "Better late than never!" Happy Birthday Will. I cannot believe that you are a teenager! I mean you look like one. You are already 5'5" and growing every day. You are taller than the grandmas, Aunt Heather, and me! You are built like the grandpas, long and lean! This year, you started the 7th grade. Starting 6th grade and middle school was an adjustment for you but fortunately, you seem to have found your stride in 7th. You are doing well in your classes and seem to like school alright. Of course, you would rather spend your time elsewhere but I think you enjoy seeing your friends and the time away from your brothers. Speaking of your brothers, they are kind of always up in your business. They like you A LOT, Mac especially. I know that they drive you crazy most of the time. Thankfully, you have a good heart and are pretty patient with them. You are a good example for them. You are rarely rough or loud which is a blessing. They take their cues from you. Our house runs more smoothly because of you. You are a great big brother. This Fall, you ran Cross Country for your school, the Roach Rams. It is a sport that you have never tried before but you got out there and really gave it your all. Dad and I were so proud of you. You worked hard and saw results. You tried something new and went after it. I hope this is something that you stick with. You are built for this kind of activity. You saw success with little effort. I can only imagine what you could accomplish if you really set your mind to it! When you are not at school, you like to ride your bike over to your friend Braden's house. You guys usually gather a few more boys and roam the neighborhood exploring all of the woods and creeks. When you are at home, you are on your iPad A LOT. I think you like putting your headphones on and drowning out your brothers. You play Minecraft and watch television shows. I guess you escape the Chism family madness:) You also play on the XBox and 3DS XL. When you aren't playing, you are reading or eating. Neither area can I keep up with you. If I bring home a new book, you read through it in 2 days or less. When I bring home snacks, well they go fast, as well! You are a growing boy. So, I guess you gotta fuel that growth. You love to eat beef jerky, sour cream and onion chips, pizza rolls, corn dogs, spaghetti, pizza, nachos, chocolate, ice cream, and cocoa puffs. You love going to Square Burger in McKinney but it is expensive so you usually settle for Taco Bueno:) You love lemonade and chocolate milk. You don't love carrots but they are the only vegetable you will willingly eat so you have learned to love them:) Time doesn't seem to fly but when I stop to look back, it doesn't seem that long ago when it was just you, Dad, and me. You are my first born and God knew exactly what He was doing. You are really a great kid and extend tremendous grace when I mess us. I think sometimes we are hard on you because frankly, you are the one we are always able to count on. So when you are out of line, Dad and I are REALLY lost! Thank you for being a model of patience and calm. Although you rarely get super excited about something, you rarely get super upset about most things. You have a tender heart and are a loyal friend 'til the end. You are becoming a man and it excites me to see what God has planned for you. Of course, it also makes me a little sad because you don't like to hug or snuggle anymore. But, that is they way it is supposed to be. You are preparing for manhood. Right now, I know you are figuring out who you are and really wrestle with the awkwardness of the early teenage years. You don't think too much of yourself and abilities right now. I remind you often of how amazing God is and of the awesome plans He has for you. Even if He doesn't make everything easy for you, know this is a gift. The people I admire and who have done great things in life, worked. Give God, and yourself, some time to do some incredible things in your life cause I know He will! I love you Will Chism. I am proud of you and proud to be your mom! Happy Birthday!

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