Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Summer 2011

Over the Summer, we were very busy trying to sell the house and wrap our brains around the idea that our home on Firefly Catch would only be “ours” for a little while longer. This was the home that we built to live in forever. We brought three of the four boys home from the hospital to this house. It was the place we made some of our closest friendships, some of our most wonderful memories and within a short time, we would call somewhere else home. It was sad but it was also very exciting. God has always taken care of us. I am not sure we have always understood His plan or gone along with it happily but He has always taken care of us. And even in our sadness, we could see He was working.
My mom, Nana, stayed with us most of the Summer. Nana & Pawpaw relocated to NWA, yes just as we were relocating out of there, so Nana stayed with us to help in Brent’s absence. We loved having her. I think she loved being there too. Although, there were days (house showing days), that she was wishing she was staying somewhere else. We took home showing to a whole new level of crazy! Trash cans out, hampers out, dirty clothes out, soft music playing, all lights on, blinds open, shower curtains open, baked goods on the table, and always something to drink! Yep, doing that enough times could definitely get you a visit to the crazy house!!
Thankfully, a wonderful family purchased our home and that allowed us to purchase a home in Frisco, TX. So, on July 11, 2011, we closed on our new home in Texas. We have been here just under 2 months and God has taken care of us. We see it every day. Sometimes it is in a big way, other days in a small little way. We struggled with choosing a house here. Heck, there are SO many choices. So feeling confident in our choice was difficult. But again, God has taken care. We have a couple new families that just moved in about the same time as us. They each have 2 boys. (Probably asking too much for any household to provide a playmate for all my kiddos;)) Two of the boys are just Will and Sam’s ages. Another boy is just in between Will & Sam and still another is closer to Isaac’s age. So, for all intents and purposes, the boys are taken care of. Almost every single day, the doorbell rings and a little boy is on the other side asking the boys to come out and play. And that is wonderful!
This summer we have spent special time with family, celebrated friendships that will last a lifetime, said goodbye to our old home and found comfort in a new one. Brent spent his first weekend with all three boys, ALONE and I got to have a special time with my college friends right here in Dallas. When I look at the pictures in this slideshow, I realize how much life we live, how tremendously blessed we are. There is love and fun in each of these photos. This summer seemed to fly by but in looking back at the pictures, we savored our time and hold those memories and people so very close. God is a great God!!!

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