Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sam graduates from Kindergarten!

Wow! You have a baby, husband takes a new job, sell a house, buy a house, relocate your family and then wonder where the time went;) I mean, so much has gone on, I have a ton to write about but getting the energy to do it is my problem. But today is a new day. I am gonna get some writing done!
In May, Sam graduated Kindergarten. I think it is really funny but super sweet that they make such a big deal of finishing the big K. The ceremony was held at Harber High School in the auditorium. The kiddos sang, danced, even did sign language. I don’t remember getting emotional at Will’s graduation. I am not sure if it was because Will is always my “go along with it even if I don’t like it” kid and Sam is so not that kid. Seeing him really singing and signing, simply participating, really hit me. I think that on that day, I also realized what an awesome school the boys attended, one that would allow and encourage such a beautiful and spiritual experience. I think I am also just getting more sentimental in my older age. Regardless of the reason, I was a bumbling idiot there, crying like a baby. It was super special!

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