Monday, April 21, 2008

I Was Tagged Again But This One Was Different, So Here Goes!

Seven interesting, weird, or otherwise facts about me, hmmmm:

1) I am currently obsessed with the Body Pump class at my gym. At first, I was religious about going because the gym had child care and I was willing to do anything for an hour to myself. However, the other day I slipped on a pair of Sofee shorts (yeah, that takes you back to your cheerleading days doesn't it!) and I actually saw a little bump of a muscle above my knee cap:) I don't own and never really have owned muscles in my life so this was a major achievement for me. Now, I am motivated to see what pops out next? Although they never say I am working the boobs, I hope that is next for sure!
2) I am also completely obsessed with the beef Chalupa from Taco Bell. It would seem that #1 and #2 are opposites, which they are. But, since this is the first time in my life I have ever exercised, I think my brain thinks I should reward myself for the effort. So, I find myself at the TB more times than I would like to admit!
3) I have secretly started watching the Bachelor: London Calling. I say secretly because my husband thinks I DVR way too much as it is so I haven't told him that I found one more show to watch late at night after the kids go to bed. I caught a glimpse of it one night and saw how delicious the Bachelor is and his accent is quite fantastic, so I am hooked. I will also say that watching it makes me feel much better about my position in life. You see, I have missed several seasons of The Bachelor and in my absence, the women have gotten nuts! I mean they are showcasing talents that really should be saved for a circus act. It is GOOD stuff!
4) I once entered a contest through Bop magazine to try and win Donnie Wahlberg's jeans. He was, is a member of New Kids on The Block. I had to write an essay and was certain I would win. But no, some other bimbo, teeny bopper won them. Bummer!
5) My favorite scripture is Proverbs 30:8-9 "Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD ?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.
6) I fall asleep very quickly anytime, anywhere. In fact, I have at times fallen asleep in the middle of a prayer. That might not be unusual except that I have been the one saying the prayer outloud to my husband!
7) I sit in the sink everyday to put my make-up on. I guess one day I got tired of standing and didn't have a chair. So, I decided to try the sink. Yep, even 9 months pregnant, I lifted me and my big old belly onto the counter! It isn't always pretty watching me get out but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!

So here are the rules:
- Link the person who tagged you
- List the rules in your blog
- Share seven interesting, weird, or otherwise facts about you
- Tag seven people to do the same
- Link their names in your blog
- Leave the people you are tagging a message on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

So I am tagging: Jenni C., Keri B., Katie D., Lana M., Wendy C., Whitney L. (I am cheating and only doing 5.)


Amy McCown said...

I like your lists. I remember all too well doing 8 minute abs and bunsevery night after curfew. I can not believe that it is already 10 years.

Whitney said...

Girl, I'm all over this season of The Bachelor! Not only do I really like Matt, but some of those girls are CRAZY! So who do you like the best?

I thought the hometown dates were hilarious! What is up with Shayne and her obsession with telling everyone that her dad is famous- huh? who?