"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
First Haircut
Ok, after 4 comments in one week about what a pretty little girl I had, I decided it might be time for a haircut for Isaac. So last week, Brent and I took all of the boys to Tubby's Barbershop for a trim. As you can see in the pics, Ike did great! He just sat so still like all the big guys. Daddy and I were so proud of the little nugget. I think he was hoping for a lollipop at the end like his brothers received but instead he got all his sugar from Momma! Maybe next time Isaac:)
What a handsome son you have! He would make a cute little girl, too, but don't tell his father that I said that.
What a handsome son you have! He would make a cute little girl, too, but don't tell his father that I said that.
So cute!
this is cute, how old is he now?
Hey, tell Will I said congrats about the fire escape plan! That was pretty cool, I wish they did that kind of stuff when I was in school!!!! :)
I cant believe he is big enough to have a haircut! Where does the time go? Miss seeing you guys.
He did such a good job!!!
Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!!
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