Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy 12th Birthday Will!

Happy Birthday big guy! I cannot believe that you are already 12! Throw a few more boys in the mix and the times just flies by.:) This year is a big year for you. You started 6th grade and moved onto middle school. You have a locker and change classes. That took a few days and a few hiccups to get perfected but you are cruising along now. You really like middle school and your friendships that you are continuing to develop that you began in elementary school. Your best buds are Caleb and Braden. Unfortunately, Braden is moving this Spring, and you are dreading it. He is a very good friend and I am sad to see him go too. You got a cell phone this year just before the start of the new year. It isn't anything fancy but you are super excited regardless. And I didn't realize how much I would enjoy you having a phone but there have been times that it has come in super handy. So, I am praying you stay out of trouble so it doesn't get taken away. We might both be in trouble then:) You and Sam elected not to play soccer this Fall but instead are doing a running club. Sports aren't really what interests you right now so this running club has been a nice compromise for all of us to keep you active. You do love art. You got to choose that as an elective this year. Of course, you are rockin' that class on your grade card! Will, you are an awesome kid. You have a really kind and thoughtful heart. You are sweet and patient with your brothers, and I could not do this mom thing without you! You love Jesus and are learning to really look to him during your times of doubt and worry. You are becoming a wonderful young man right before my eyes. I love you Willboy and am very proud to be your mama!

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