Monday, April 21, 2008

I Was Tagged Again But This One Was Different, So Here Goes!

Seven interesting, weird, or otherwise facts about me, hmmmm:

1) I am currently obsessed with the Body Pump class at my gym. At first, I was religious about going because the gym had child care and I was willing to do anything for an hour to myself. However, the other day I slipped on a pair of Sofee shorts (yeah, that takes you back to your cheerleading days doesn't it!) and I actually saw a little bump of a muscle above my knee cap:) I don't own and never really have owned muscles in my life so this was a major achievement for me. Now, I am motivated to see what pops out next? Although they never say I am working the boobs, I hope that is next for sure!
2) I am also completely obsessed with the beef Chalupa from Taco Bell. It would seem that #1 and #2 are opposites, which they are. But, since this is the first time in my life I have ever exercised, I think my brain thinks I should reward myself for the effort. So, I find myself at the TB more times than I would like to admit!
3) I have secretly started watching the Bachelor: London Calling. I say secretly because my husband thinks I DVR way too much as it is so I haven't told him that I found one more show to watch late at night after the kids go to bed. I caught a glimpse of it one night and saw how delicious the Bachelor is and his accent is quite fantastic, so I am hooked. I will also say that watching it makes me feel much better about my position in life. You see, I have missed several seasons of The Bachelor and in my absence, the women have gotten nuts! I mean they are showcasing talents that really should be saved for a circus act. It is GOOD stuff!
4) I once entered a contest through Bop magazine to try and win Donnie Wahlberg's jeans. He was, is a member of New Kids on The Block. I had to write an essay and was certain I would win. But no, some other bimbo, teeny bopper won them. Bummer!
5) My favorite scripture is Proverbs 30:8-9 "Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD ?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.
6) I fall asleep very quickly anytime, anywhere. In fact, I have at times fallen asleep in the middle of a prayer. That might not be unusual except that I have been the one saying the prayer outloud to my husband!
7) I sit in the sink everyday to put my make-up on. I guess one day I got tired of standing and didn't have a chair. So, I decided to try the sink. Yep, even 9 months pregnant, I lifted me and my big old belly onto the counter! It isn't always pretty watching me get out but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!

So here are the rules:
- Link the person who tagged you
- List the rules in your blog
- Share seven interesting, weird, or otherwise facts about you
- Tag seven people to do the same
- Link their names in your blog
- Leave the people you are tagging a message on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

So I am tagging: Jenni C., Keri B., Katie D., Lana M., Wendy C., Whitney L. (I am cheating and only doing 5.)

I Was Tagged!

My sister-in-law, Jenni, tagged me with this little get to know ya. So, here it is!

What was I doing 10 years ago?:

Oh my, ten years ago, I was finishing up college along with plans for my wedding, May 23, 1998. That means that I was sort of doing school work but mainly doing crunches because I thought my body needed work, and I couldn't imagine going to the beach with my new hubby looking like the Harding Cafteria Queen. Boy, doesn't perpective change after three kids! I am again doing crunches because for our 10 year anniversary, I am going to the beach with my hubby again. I am working hard to have that Harding Cafeteria Queen body back;) I think God thinks that is funny and wishes me well in this endeavor!

Five Snacks I enjoy: in a perfect non-weight gaining world

1. Cinnamon roll from Braums (they serve those things warm no matter whether it is 8:00 in the morning or 8:00 at night (sadly enough, lately I know this to be true!))
2. German Chocolate Cake with the coconut frosting on top but chocolate frosting on the sides;)
3. Ruffles potato chips/french onion dip
4. Skyline Chili dog (a Cincinnati thing)
5. A Coke fountain drink

in the real world:
1. Fiber One bars (yummy)
2. Fiber One cereal (I try not to eat #1 & #2 in one day. That might be traumatic to the system!)
3. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich
4. Nestle Raspberry Water (Brent can't figure out why I can't pick a nice Coca-Cola product to love, like Dasani. Unfortunately, Dasani flavored water just isn't the same!)
5. Coke in a bottle, Coke in a can, Coke from a fountain - It is my guilty pleasure!

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Take all my family on fun trips around the world
2. Pay for my family to go on mission trips during the Summer
3. Have my own "Big Give" show like Oprah
4. Buy a baby video monitor or a Nanny so that I don't have to get out of bed everytime I hear Isaac whimper!
5. Have the girls put back where they belong. Breastfeeding has not been kind to them! (Okay so I am probably not brave enough to really have that done but if I can dream that I am a billionaire, I guess I can dream that I am brave too!

Five jobs that I have had:
1. Exercise equipment demonstrator at the mall. Strange, huh? Yeah, I think my boss was a pervert but I was 16 and didn't see it.
2. Assistant to the Football Operations Manager and Assistant in Recruiting at the University of Notre Dame. Go Irish! (Great job! Worked hard but got paid like I didn't!)
3. Regional Office Coordinator for Pharmacia Pharmaceuticals (Great job! Didn't have to work to hard but got paid like I did!)
4. Mom
5. President and CEO of Pumpkin Doodle

Three of my habits:
1. moving my feet at all times when I am sitting down. Whether it is wiggling my toes or circling my whole foot, something connected to my ankle is always moving.
2. spell words in my head all day long. I spell each word 5 times or 15 times if it has an "A" in it because in my mind there are three ways to write an "A" so I have to write it all ways 5 times. You don't have to say it. I know. It is a sickness!
3. checking the doors at least three times each before we go out of town. Then about 10 minutes down the road I ask Brent if he shut the garage door. He loves that because then it makes him question whether he really shut it or not. So, then we have to call our friends, the Bakers, and ask them to drive by sometime to make sure we did. Funny thing, we have never left it up but I always worry I might!

Five places I have lived:
1. Springfield, MO
2. Searcy, AR
3. South Bend, IN
4. Cincinnati, OH (atually Cold Spring, KY)
5. Springdale, AR

People I will tag: Mary Jo P., Mandy B., Amy Mc., Melissa H.