Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Happy Belated 7th Birthday Mac!

Happy Birthday Mac or Happy Belated Birthday Mac! Of course, this is late but filled with no less love;) Year six was exciting for you. Then again, you are an excited kid so probably every year is exciting, year six included. You kept busy for sure! You spent your free time playing soccer and basketball and you were quite the baller. The basketball team parents continually asked how much basketball you had played before this season. Your dad and I played it cool when we told them that it was your first time playing and that you have three older brothers so that makes you competitive. We wanted to brag about your natural abilities but we didn't because we're nice like that.:) The soccer parents were the same calling you the soccer star! You are a natural athlete and you hustle so you take care of things on the field or on the court. You are fun to watch! You started Kindergarten this year. You were very excited and loved making all kinds of new friends. Jihoo, Grant, and Affan were some of your best friends. Ms. Carlton was your teacher, and you loved her. She was a born Kindergarten teacher with a tiny voice and silly personality. You really enjoyed kindergarten except for the fact that you had to go everyday;0 That was an eye-opener and hard adjustment. Thankfully, you managed to make it just about every day and your classmates were happy about that. Apparently, you were quite the entertainer. Your teacher gave you the end of the year laugh award because you could always make the whole class laugh. She said that even if you came in and just said, "Hello", you had the kids in stitches. That does not surprise me. You are hilarious at home too. You have such a joy for life. You laugh big and smile even bigger. Of course, you get angry and frustrated at times, mostly at Isaac, and that anger or frustration is big too! You just emotion big;0 You are game for anything, anytime. You just seep joy and others want to be around that. You have a blast with your brothers and they are your true best friends. You call them "your boys" sometimes, and that makes me smile. They look out for you and you look out for them. You work hard to not get left behind by them but honestly, I don't think they wanna leave you behind. You're Macadoodle. Mac, you are the youngest of four boys. Some people would get lost in so many shadows but not you. You make your own spotlight. You are my snuggle buggle. You are witty, creative, and full of life. I love being your mom and experiencing life with you. You make me smile everyday. You are a precious gift and I cannot wait to see what this next year brings. I love you Macadoodle! PS - This is the year you created the "Aye Chihuahua song" and would have lived at Chik-fil-a if they would have let you;)